четверг, 29 октября 2009 г.

Fast food kills (by Nare Zakaryan)

Card#1 Everybody knows that being so fat is not healthy!

Card#2 Reason!

Card#3 Fast food!

Card#4 Stop!

Card#5 Lets think about our future!

Card#6 Danger! Fast food kills!

Card#7 Healthy living!

2 комментария:

  1. Hi Nare!

    What a wonderful short MOBILE EYES film - funny, provocative, entertaining...!

    There is only ONE BIG THING missing - a web site and public health organization listing at the end of your film.

    PLEASE re-edit your movie and add this important piece of information, and then re-post your video soon.



    Go Nare!

    Dr. Rob
